Members Committees


Bristol Bridge Club - Members Committees

We have a Club full of talented members, experienced in a wide range of fields, and we would like to encourage their input and involvement in the running of the Club.

Our Members Committees - sub-committees to the main Board of Trustees - each focus on particular areas of the Club's activities and members can join any of them to have input into the way the Club is run, contribute their ideas and expertise or simply provide another pair of hands, without having to become a trustee or make any commitment beyond what they are happy to offer.

If you would like to join any of these Committee(s), or would like more information, please contact the relevant Chair, below.

(N.B. individual email addresses to be added shortly, in the meantime please email specifying the committee you wish to contact.)



Everything teaching related – courses, seminars, teaching events, directors courses, structure of beginners/improvers sessions, online lessons.





Club sessions – at the Club and online, session scheduling (tying in with Education provision), competitions, bridge rules and rulings. Review of Code of Conduct.




Club Documentation Review

Constitution, Bye-laws and Club rules.

Joint Chairs: Caroline Drugan and Stuart King



Marketing and Communications

External and internal marketing of the Club, Club newsletter, Club signage.

Chair: Hilda Ball



Events and Catering

Social events run by the Club, food and bar.

Chair: Hilda Ball



Building Maintenance

·        Upkeep, maintenance and decoration of the Club building and facilities, etc.

·        Incl fire alarm testing

·        Inc. Health & Safety Officer (can delegate duties, but has over-arching responsibility, maintains manual).




IT and Systems

Website, email and internal communications platforms, computing, contactless payments, display screens, documentation storage, sound systems, wifi.

Chair: Stuart King




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